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Diabetes and Your Vision

By Milos Pesic

If you have diabetes, you are at risk of losing your vision. In fact, approximately half of all people who have diabetes are at risk, simply because they do not know that they have diabetes. One in four people who have diabetes will experience vision problems.
There are many things that can go wrong with your vision when you have diabetes. First, people who have diabetes are more likely to have cataracts at a younger age. Diabetes also doubles the risk of developing glaucoma. The biggest problem, however, is the fact that diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness in people under the age of 65.
Diabetic retinopathy occurs when the blood vessels that feed the retina weaken and begin to leak. This causes the retina to swell, which impairs vision. Vision will first change by becoming blurry. As the problem grows, the circulation in those blood vessels keeps the retina from receiving oxygen. They vessels will eventually become completely blocked, causing vital parts of the retina to essentially die and stop functioning.
If you are diabetic, it is a good idea to have your vision checked yearly, and to be tested for diabetic retinopathy every three to five years. There is treatment for diabetic retinopathy, however the best option is to keep your blood sugar levels in check and avoid it altogether.
Diabetic retinopathy is a direct result of the problems in the circulatory system that result from diabetes. If you are following your doctor's advice and eating right and exercising, the chances of developing diabetic retinopathy, as well as many other diabetes-associated health problems, can be avoided, or at the very least delayed for numerous years.
Make sure that your eye doctor is aware that you are diabetic, so that he knows what to be on the lookout for. Also, ask your eye doctor to send a copy of your files, including additions made to those files in the future, to your medical doctor for evaluation.
Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Diabetesand has helped thousands of diabetes sufferers control their blood sugar. For more articles and resources on easy diabetes management, natural diabetes medication, diabetes symptoms andmuch more visit his site at:


The following will help people with asthma who are 12yrs and above assess their asthma control
You study the following chart very well and circle the correct score for each question they are five in number.
You do this by adding up the total number for each of your response. You can take this to your doctor or pharmacist for review..
STEP 1: Circle your score for each question and write the number in the box. Pls be honest while answering this question.
During the past 4weeks how often did your asthma prevent you from getting as much work, school or home.
Question 1
All of the time 1
Most of the time 2
Some of the time 3
A little of the time 4
Non of the time 5
During the last 4weeks, how do you had shortness of breath
Question 2
More than once a day 1
Once a day 2
3 to 6 times a day 3
Once or twice a day 4
Not at all 5
During the past 4 weeks how often did your symptoms (wheezing,coughing,shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain) wake up at the night or either than usual in the morning.
Question 3
4 or more time a week 1
2 to 3 nights a week 2
Once a week 3
Once or twice in 4 weeks 4
Not at all 5
During the past 4weeks, how often have use inhaler or nebullizer medication (salbutamol)
Question 4
3 or more times a day 1
1 or 2 times a day 2
2 or 3 times a week 3
Once a week or less 4
Not at all 5
How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks
Question 5
Not controlld 1
Poorly controlled 2
Somewhat controlled 3
Well controlled 4
Completely controlled
STEP 2 Add up your score to get your total.
STEP3 below you can find out what your score means.
SCORE:25 Congratulations!
You have total control of your asthma.You have no symptoms and no asthma limitations. If you notice any change see your doctor or pharmacist.
Score: 20 to 40- Your on target
Your asthma may be WELL CONTROLLED but not totally controlled your doctor or pharmacist may be able to help you aim for total control.
Score:less than 20- Your off target
Your asthma may not be controlled. Your doctor or pharmacist can recommend an asthma action plan to help you improve your asthma control.

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Healthy Eating - Food! Pyramid Style!

by By Shannon Curtin

The USDA’s Food Guide Pyramid places an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and grains. Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta 6-11 servings a day These complex carbohydrates make up the base of the pyramid. They provide B-vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Choose whole grain whenever possible. They have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber than products made from processed white flour. They also hit your bloodstream more slowly, giving you a longer lasting source of fuel.
1 serving = 1 slice of bread, 1/2 bagel or bun, 1 ounce dry cereal, 1/2 cup cooked cereal, 1/2 cup cooked rice, 1/2 cup cooked pasta.
Vegetables 3-5 servings a day Vegetables are a fantastic source of vitamins and fiber and are naturally low in fat and calories. Try deep-yellow, or orange vegetables, such as carrots and squash. These are great source of vitamin A. Veggies from the cabbage and pepper families (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bell peppers) rich in vitamin C.
1 serving = 1 cup raw leafy greens, 1/2 cup any other chopped vegetable, 3/4 cup vegetable juice
Fruits 2-4 servings a day Fruit makes a great snack or healthy dessert. It's high in carbohydrate energy and potassium, low in sodium, and full of vitamins. Strawberries, watermelon, and citrus fruits (like oranges and grapefruit) are full of vitamin C; apricots and other orange-colored fruits have lots of vitamin A; and cantaloupe, mangos and papayas have both vitamins A and C.
1 serving = 1 medium apple, banana, or orange; 1/2 cup chopped fruit or berries; 3/4 cup fruit juice.
Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese 2-4 servings a day Milk products are rich sources of calcium and protein. A glass of milk has high-quality protein equal to an ounce of meat, cheese or to one egg. Try to choose reduced fat dairy products whenever possible. A glass of whole milk has the equivalent of two teaspoons of butter or three tablespoons of sour cream.
1 serving = 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1-1/2 ounces of natural cheese, 2 ounces of processed cheese.
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts 2-3 servings a day This group is a major source of protein. Cooked beans are high in protein and fiber and low in fat. Tofu and white beans provide calcium. Almonds are good sources of vitamin E. Beef contains highly absorbable trace minerals like iron, zinc, and magnese. Poultry and seafood contribute vitamin B6, and pork is a rich source of thiamine.
1 serving = 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish; 1 egg; 1/2 cup cooked beans, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, nuts, or seeds.
Fats, Oils, and Sweets Use sparingly This group represents the tip of the pyramid. It includes butter, oils, margarine, sour cream, soda pop, candy, and sweet desserts. Remember, not all fats are created equal. You want to minimize saturated fats found in animal products like meat and dairy, and trans-fats found in margarine or fried snack foods (look out for "partially hydrogenated" anything). Now that we've covered all the basics, let's put it all together in a plan that's right for you. Here are some sample diets at 3 different calorie levels: 1,600 calories is appropriate for many sedentary women and some older adults. Bread group servings . . . . . . . . . .6 Vegetable group servings . . . . . . .3 Fruit group servings . . . . . . . . . . .2 Milk group servings . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Meat group (in total ounces) . . . . 5 oz. Total fat (in grams) . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Total added sugars (in grams). . . .24
2,200 calories is about right for most children, teenage girls, active women and sedentary men. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding may need somewhat more. Bread group servings . . . . . . . . . .9 Vegetable group servings . . . . . . .4 Fruit group servings . . . . . . . . . . .3 Milk group servings . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Meat group (in total ounces) . . . . 6 oz. Total fat (in grams) . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Total added sugars (in grams). . . .48
2,800 calories is good for teenage boys, many active men, and some very active women. Bread group servings . . . . . . . . . .11 Vegetable group servings . . . . . . .5 Fruit group servings . . . . . . . . . . .4 Milk group servings . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Meat group (in total ounces) . . . . 7 oz. Total fat (in grams) . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Total added sugars (in grams). . . .72
If you are trying to lose weight, increase your activity level and reduce the empty calories in your diet. In particular, look out for lots of highly processed carbohydrates such as commercial snack foods, white bread, regular soda, and large servings of fat-free treats. Remember that fat-free doesn’t mean calorie-free! Try to replace these foods with hearty whole grains, sprouted breads, steel cut oats, and other more nutrient dense sources of carbohydrate. The Food Guide Pyramid is an easy way to make healthy food choices. So, sit back, relax, and eat. Just eat healthy!

About the Author

Hi! I am Shannon Curtin founder of the FREE e-zine "Beautiful - Body, Mind, and Spirit". My e-zine is designed to help you lose weight, organize your life,improve your lifestyle, business tips, diet tips, stress busters, healthy recipes, and the latest exercises, plus much, much more. I recently have lost 120lbs. I feel incredible! I designed this e-zine to help others feel they way I feel. Enjoy your life! It is never to late to

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Type2 Diabetes - The Easy Way To Cure Yourself

You are suffering from type2 diabetes. Doctors have told you that yours is a lost cause; there is just no way to cure it. Well, don't lose hope yet. In this article I will tell you about an easy way you can get rid of type2 diabetes, without buying expensive medicines.
One thing that you should keep in mind is that type2 diabetes mainly occurs to people who are overweight, live a sedentary lifestyle and have uncontrollable food habits. The key to get rid of type2 diabetes is to live on a healthy diet and do regular exercises.
Do you know why type2 diabetes occurs? Type 2 diabetes occurs when our body becomes insensitive to insulin. Since insulin is needed to in order to control our blood glucose levels, once our body becomes insulin- resistant, our blood glucose levels increase without any check, and this when type2 diabetes occurs. Your aim is to make your muscles more sensitive to insulin, and the best way to do this is to exercise regularly and keep your body active. Once your muscles becomes sensitive to insulin, less amount of insulin will be needed to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Once your blood sugar levels come under control, you will get rid of type2 diabetes.
Exercise is only your first step. There are many more things you can do if you want to get rid of type diabetes in a very short time. For example you can change your meal pattern. If you are a high carb and low fat diet, it is time to replace this diet by foods which are low in carbs but high is fat and protein. Eating such a diet regularly will help keep your blood sugar levels under control. If you are unable to create your own diet plan, I have devised a diet plan which is customized to the needs of type2 diabetes patients. If you would like to know more about this diet plan, simply click on the link in my resource box below!
Excessive diabetes can damage your health beyond imagination. To learn more about how to get rid of type 2 diabetes, read her full article Daily Diet for Type 2 Diabetes-The Absolute Truth Revealed! by going to:
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Diabetes and Food Style: Turn Your Food into Your Medicine

by: Dev Sri
Fast paced life of modern world has necessitated us to give only lower priority to nutrition. This is at a time when nutrition awareness of everyone is high. Instead of taking well cooked food items, fruits and juices, people go after carbonated drinks, fast 'junk' food, frozen and preserved food, microwave food. People also don't take the time to enjoy and appreciate the food they eat. Today most of us just need any food that fills the belly for sometime.

This food habits have given rise to a variety of health problems. Significantly important one among them is diabetes.

Ayurvedic principles tell us food is one important element that keeps a person in a balanced state of body, mind and soul. Taking healthy food translates into healthy body.

Ayurvedic view on diabetes is no different. There are times when diabetes can attack without any warning sign. Ayurvedic food style combined with certain herbal applications helps one effectively manage his or her condition of diabetes.

High sugar level is the most dreaded thing about diabetes. Ayurveda recommends food items that don't release excess sugar into the blood. Food items that are too sweet, ice cream, chocolate, friend food items, white flour, preserved food, fast food, junk food etc are to be avoided. Bad habits like smoking and drinking should be given up.

Ayurveda recommends Ayurvedic herbal tea for diabetic patients. Replace sugar with honey or jaggery (thickened molasses - sarkkara) or better still palm jaggery (thickened palm molasses - karippatti).

The advantages or drinking more than eight glass of water everyday is not easily told in an essay. Drink a minimum of 8-15 glass of water in the day time. After sunset take only minimal quantities of water. Another thing is to drink plenty of water an hour before a meal and an hour after the meals. Drinking water close to meals dilute the digestive fire (in Ayurveda it is called pitta) and makes the process of digestion difficult.

Take fruits like grapes, fig, pomegranate, citrus fruits etc. Bitter melon (bitter gourd, karela) is used as medicine for diabetes.

The point about Ayurvedic management of diabetes is never a hard task. All you will have to do is to incorporate Ayurvedic principles as your daily routine. Having healthy food and exercise regime itself can help one control his or her diabetes to a great extent.

Include turmeric and garlic as spices, bitter gourd as vegetable, triphala as a laxative and drinking lot of water as daily habit. These are not very difficult to follow. You can't eat or drink all the food items you have. But living a sweeter life sometimes means giving up some sweet for tongue food items.

About The Author
Dev Sri provides insider information about Kerala Ayurvedic practices at

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Release Your Back Pain with Meditation

by Laurie Desjardins

It may start with a stiff lower back when you wake each morning. Or perhaps you were involved in a car accident. Weight gain, aging, genetics -- all these are common causes of back pain. But whatever the source, it can significantly reduce your quality of life.
A 2007 article published in the American Medical Association's online journal, "Virtual Mentor," revealed that 80 percent of all Americans suffer some degree of back trouble at some point in their lives, at a cost of $20 billion to $50 billion a year.
While many may indeed require medical treatment, medication or other conventional methods may offer only limited relief. And others may have only periodic or light discomfort and don't need extreme treatment. If you fall into one of these categories, simple meditation techniques might be all that you need to ease your pain.
Follow these steps to help your body release pain and stress and accept relaxation and peace.
Build a good meditation foundation
Meditation techniques can be difficult to master when you first start. It's hard to clear your mind of the stresses of the day. But don't give up. Remember, meditating is a skill that requires practice. The more you do it, the better you get and the more quickly you will be able to reach a higher level of relaxation. And reaching a true relaxed, meditative state is worth the effort.
Make a routine of your meditation. Whether once a day or once a week, dedicate a specific time and place to practice your relaxation techniques. Use your surroundings to your advantage; a Zen-like retreat is not necessary. Many have found inner peace sitting in a darkened walk-in closet or on the cool bathroom tile.
Next, eliminate distractions. Close the door, turn off the phone and make sure your family knows your routine and respects it.
Finally, let your mind relax. Leave your mental lists at the door. Don't worry about what to make for dinner. You will return to that world soon enough.
Find the tools that work for you
A meditation tool can help you get into a relaxed state more quickly. This can be anything that will help you focus and that you can incorporate into your meditation techniques. Patterned breathing, music, chanting, or even silence are commonly used tools. Or you might prefer a more tangible tool, such as a lit candle, meditation stones or a Zen Stick.
Once you've chosen your tool, learn to use it correctly and effectively. Again, practice is key. The repetition and total focus on your tool will help you reach a relaxed state. For instance, the Zen Stick is a smooth, buffed stick that you toss and catch with your eyes closed while you maintain a focused breathing. Stress will release itself as your body and mind work together in total accord.
Make it a full-body treatment
In addition to relieving back pain, meditation techniques will benefit your entire body. Once you perfect your routine, you can easily use it anywhere. By engaging your relaxation techniques, you can quickly cultivate peace in your daily life and maintain evenness between mind and body. Research consistently shows that meditation on a regular basis helps people better cope with pain.
Back problems may continue to be in your future, but by using proper meditation and relaxation techniques, you can greatly improve your outlook for a healthier, pain-free body.

About the Author

Laurie Desjardins is a meditation expert and creator of the Zen Stick relaxation tool. Don't let chronic pain slow you down. Take back your body by adding regular meditation to your routine. Visit to get your Zen Stick today.

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